Benjamin DeWeese van Schooneveld


Project maintained by bdeweesevans Last updated 2023-11-13


Projects of relevence listed below. Directory below each page.

Jungle Market:

image of Jungle Market banner.
● Utilizing: JS, Deno, Tailwind, Google OAuth.
● Description: Aiming to deliver a child-friendly stock trading experience through simulating market events. Working with Oleksandr Gorpynich & Matan Kedar.
● Live Demo: Deno Deployment
● Code Base: GitHub Repository

image of 10c banner.
● Utilized: React, Deno, Tailwind, Google Analytics, Domains & OAuth, Figma.
● Description: is a checklist based webste hosted on GitHub and deployed through Deno Deploy. Developed with Oleksandr Gorpynich.
● Live Demo:
● Code Base: GitHub Repository


image of carson banner.
● Utilized: Python, AWS EC2, Ubuntu Box, SSH, BS4, LXML, PIL, HTML Parsing, Instagram Graph API, Flickr API.
● Description: CarsonDiningMenu gathers menu HTML from the University of Oregon’s Carson dining hall website and publishes a daily graphic of the menu items to Instagram.
● Note: Attempting to account for contingency problems, but Live Demo can break due to frequent site changes by the UO.
● Live Demo: Instagram Page
● Code Base: GitHub Repository

FlipperZero Script:

image of flipper banner.
● Utilized: Python, AWS EC2, BS4, HTML Parsing, SMTP.
● Description: The script checks the inventory status of the Flipper Zero by scraping the webpage with BS4. Program ran on an AWS EC2 instance and emailed me so I could purchase. I plan to explore C++, bash scripting and pen-testing with it.
● Live Demo: N/A
● Code Base: GitHub Repository


Technical Experience